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The video of Grand Prix Finalist - 2018 Taipei International Choral Competition

TICC 2018 大獎賽入圍團隊演出片段皆已上傳TICF Youtube 官方頻道!點擊下方連結即可收看,別忘了順手訂閱我們的頻道唷!

Here is the video of grand prix finalist of TICC 2018. Please visit TICF YouTube channel to view the video. Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more upcoming news!

TICF官方頻道/TICF Official Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1mbkv1rYxbYT8J6wnliEA

希望兒童合唱團 (台灣) Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)
建國中學合唱團 (台灣) Chien-Kuo High School Choir(Taiwan)
發聲 (台灣) F Sharp(Taiwan)
太歷國立大學合唱團(菲律賓) Tarlac State University Chorale(The Philippines)
國立興大附中Enchant合唱團 (台灣) Enchant Choir from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Chung Hsing University(Taiwan)
國立新竹女中合唱團 (台灣) National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School Choir(Taiwan)
台北愛樂婦女合唱團 (台灣) Taipei Philharmonic Women's Choir(Taiwan)
迦密柏雨中學合唱團 (香港) Carmel Pak U Secondary School Choir(Hong Kong)
台北愛樂青年合唱團 (台灣) Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir(Taiwan)
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